Leaf insect focusing on the camera |
Leaf insect eating mulberries |
Leaf insect camouflaging among the mulberry tree |
A big-sized Phylliidae |
A leaf insect, knowned as a Phylliidae, is a rare insect that is difficult to identify, especially when it is among the greens. Today, this rare and extraordinary creature flew to a pole outside my house. It was resting itself from the glaring hot sun. At first, I thought it was a leaf that got stuck onto the pole. It was until I witnessed its feelers moving up and down. Leaf insects are usually small and difficult to identify, making the one I saw today a rare occurrence. It seemed that it was about half a foot long, which is quite a huge size for its species. There is a huge species of leaf insects and they are classified according to their colour, sizes and the different habitats they live in. The one seen in the picture is the one I saw today. The patterns on its body is not really clear and does not really look like a real leaf. Fortunately, predators of this respective insect are unable to identify it easily when it is camaflouged among the plantations. A leaf insect has really interesting characteristics so why not keep one as a pet today? There are many more exciting facts to be discovered about a leaf insect so it would be the best if you keep one yourself and learn about its behaviour and nature in the long run. I freed this respective Phylliidae because I think it is old enough to be independent in the nature.This is my sharing for the day and there would be many more to come!
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